The third chapter mainly mentions some problems in our local economic legislative procedure. 第三章主要讲了我国地方经济立法程序中存在的主要问题。
To pursue fairness and efficiency is the pattern of value objective in administratively legislative procedure. 摘要追求效率与追求公平是行政程序立法的两种价值目标模式。
The Civil Retrial Procedure is an important legislative procedure in the civil action. 民事再审是民事诉讼机制中一个重要的程序制度。
Legislative procedure is a systematic process that aims at formulating a law. 立法程序是以法律的确定为目标连续发展的一个系统的过程。
In our country, the legalization of the administrative legislative procedure is still in many aspects necessary to strengthen and perfect further, especially the public is far from participation to administrative legislation. 我国行政立法程序的法制化还在许多方面都有进一步加强和完善的必要,尤其是公众对行政立法的参与的广度和深度还远远不够。
According to the practical theory, this chapter probes into the basic need of the environmental administration encouragement and further brings forward the legislative procedure and the relief measures. 本部分从理论实践出发,探讨了环境行政奖励实施的基本要求,为我国现行政环境行政奖励实施提出了程序规制,并进一步分析了其具体的救济措施。
In some sense, the standardization of administration's legislative procedure is the legislation in the administration rule by law. 从某种意义上而言,行政立法的法治化也是行政立法程序的规范化和法治化。
Local legislative procedure is a prominent issue of local legislation. 地方立法存在的一个突出问题是地方立法程序问题。
America is powerful in economy with federal system, its tax system is typical in the Western country. It follows the tax legislative procedure strictly in tax legislation for years which reflects many characteristics. 美国是实行联邦制的市场经济国家,其立法体制在西方国家也很有代表性,严格遵循税收立法程序立法的传统,在多年的税收立法实践中折射出许多特点。
Section Two compares the higher education legislative procedure and technique of China, Japan and America. 第二部分是中、日、美高等教育法立法程序与立法技术比较。
Another, its legislative procedure technique and the examination technique of the legislative organ and the legislative expressive technique all achieved a high level. 法案起草的程序技术、立法机构的审议技术和立法表达技术也达到了较高的水平。
Perfecting the legislative mechanism and ensuring the peasant's legislative power can be realized through the legislation absorbing the rural folk law rationally and perfecting the compositional mechanism of the legislature, the legislative authority mechanism and the legislative procedure mechanism. 完善立法机制,保障农民立法权可通过国家制定法充分合理吸纳农村民间法,以及完善立法机关的组成机制、立法权限机制和立法程序机制等方面来实现。
The formulation of laws and regulations on primary and middle school teachers is becoming scientific, clear and sound in following aspects: the install of legislative body, the division of legislative powers, and the operation of legislative procedure. 中小学教师法规的制定,在立法主体的设置、立法权限的划分和立法程序的运行上,日臻科学、明晰和健全,成为整个教育法制链条中发展较快较好的一个环节。
Safety Production Coda has performed, its legislative procedure, necessity and main content are introduced in this paper. 本文主要介绍了《中华人民共和国安全生产法》的立法经过、立法的必要性和主要内容。
This paper firstly carries on the brief introduction of legislation system and tax legislative procedure in China and America, then makes a careful research on American tax legislative procedure. 本文首先对中美两国立法体制和税收立法程序进行简要的介绍,对美国联邦立法程序进行细致阐述与研究。
Tax legislative procedure should be consummated in our country from using the successful experience abroad for reference. It plays an important role in promoting the growth of tax legislation. 吸收和借鉴国外成功的税收立法经验,不断完善我国税收立法程序,将我国税收立法进一步引向制度化、规范化和科学化的现代立法轨道,对于促进税收事业的发展都具有重要的意义。
This text discusses it mainly from the view of legislative procedure of the Chinese administration and reasons of perfection, Global trade rules controlling on legislative procedure of Chinese administration and foundation and Global trade rule requests three aspects. 从中国行政立法程序及完善动因、全球贸易规则对中国行政立法程序的控制和建立与世贸规则要求相适应的行政立法程序三个层面探讨中国行政立法程序的完善。
Analysis of Legal Principle for Legislative Procedure 立法程序的法理分析
Chinese Independent Auditing Standards are one of sources of law made through legislative procedure. 独立审计准则在中国具有法规的地位。
The enforced Legislation Law provides regulations on normal legislative activities, however there still are problems not resolved within Legislation Law on legislative procedure, legal interpretation mechanism and its effectiveness. 我国立法法的出台对规范立法活动起到较好的作用,但也存在一些问题,如立法程序、法律解释体制及效力问题在立法法中没有解决。
There are phenomena of legislative unfairness in our country's legislative practice, such as departmental law-making, which can be directly attributed to the flaws in our legislative procedure. 我国在立法实践中存在着部门立法等立法不公现象,其直接原因应归结为我国的立法程序中的制度瑕疵。
Analysis of Legal Principle for Legislative Procedure Process Analysis in BPR 立法程序的法理分析企业再造的流程分析
Therefore, it is necessary for China to build up administrative legislative procedure consistent with WTO rules. 为此,就有必要建立与WTO相适应的行政立法程序。
Executive legislation procedural randomness and legislative departmentalization and localization generated in the process of legislation consummate executive legislative procedure for increasing demands, administrative law scholars with timely introduced of the executive legislative avoidance system to China. 行政立法程序的随意性和立法过程中产生的立法部门化和地方化使得对完善行政立法程序的呼声越来越高,行政法学者适时将行政立法回避制度引入到中国。
In order to consummate the enforceable legislation, the author puts forward some concrete ideas on the basis of practical operation, in accordance with the course of the legislative procedure, focusing on submitting, deliberation, voting and other major links. 为了完善实施性立法,笔者立足实务操作,按照立法程序的进程,围绕提请、审议和表决等主要环节提出了一些具体构想。
European Community legislative procedure is the process of interests 'balancing. 欧共体的立法程序是一个利益平衡的过程。
Thereafter, to standardize legislative procedure of local government regulations is in a ever-accelerating pace. 地方规章立法程序规范化、制度化的步伐加快。
As Chinese legislative system and political system are still incomplete, leading to some defects in formal legislative procedure. 由于我国立法体制尚有不完备之处,导致正式的立法程序存在着一定的缺陷。
Taking the legislative procedure in administrative committee, its operation had been influenced by some organization or some people. 以行政院的立法程序为例,其实际运行往往受到某个机构或个人的影响。
Thus the initial framework for the legislative procedure of local government regulations has been set up. 由此确定了我国地方规章立法程序的初步框架。